In what could have been a major fire accident, Vijay managed to get away unhurt on the sets of ATM. His next venture ATM is progressing day in and day out in Hyderabad. A crucial scene demanded collision of a bus and a train for the movie. When the bus was made to collide with the train for the shoots, the petrol storage tank of the bus accidentally flew out of the vehicle and landed next to the actor exploding heavily. | |
Vijay was luckily unhurt in the incident and was visibly shocked.
Stunt master FEPSI Vijayan expressed his disbelief on the incident and stated that it was sheer luck that Vijay escaped unhurt. Normally, in such explosion scenes the petrol tank of the vehicle would be kept open to prevent such incidents. However, it is learnt that the lid of the storage tank of the bus was inadvertently not removed that resulted in the incident.
As per the scene that was shot, Namita’s family sets out on a journey in the bus to visit Vijay. They watch a movie in the bus and are indulged so much so that they fail to notice the level crossing or the train that is fast approaching. What follows is an ordeal of fire fighting that involves Vijay who helps the passengers in the bus, especially a little girl, to get out of the bus unharmed.
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