The film did not have a formal pooja and the shooting for the film was commenced immediately. The shooting for the day was held at a Five Star Hotel in Adayar. The first scene had Vijay praying in front of a Lord Ganesha statue. The scene which also involved comedian Vivek was shot in a very humorous way and is sure to tickle the funny bone of the viewers. Dharani and the whole team were seen around. Dharani was in a very tense mood and was seen taking special care of the proceedings. A couple of foreigners who were staying in the hotel were also made to act in that scene of the film. The shoot for the day was held in a very silent manner with no crowds or media to create confusion in the proceedings.
The shooting went off very well and in a very smooth and light manner. Producer Udayanidhi was also present at the first day of shooting along with his wife. Director Linguasamy and Actress Trisha were also seen at the shoot. Trisha was seen intereacting with the team members in a very cheerful manner. The centre of attraction of course, was our hero Vijay who was looking very youthful and charming. Vivek looked like he had still not yet come out of the 'Sivaji effect, going by the costumes that he had wore for that particular scene of the film. Vivek had just delivered a blockbuster with Super Star Rajnikanth and here, he is now acting with the Next Super Star Vijay in what promises to be a rollicking film that is expected to push Vijay to the pinnacle of superstardom.
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