Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bro it's Manchester United not 'Man U'

I have been very much ignorant and using this term "Man U" for some time. Later heard from my peers that "Man U" is quite derogative term for the Red Devils. So here is the answer for all u ignorant Manchester United Fans like me.

The origin of the term “Man U” is a song to insult the deceased Duncan Edwards. The Leeds fans (not to knock on any Leeds fans out there, but this is fact) created their own version of the song to insult all the men that died in the Munich air disaster of 1958.

Rival supporters have since adopted this term for the same use: To insult the men who died in Munich.

The song went something like this:

“Man U, Man U, went on a plane! Man U, Man U, never came back again!”

“Man U, never intended in coming home!”

Now if that does not set your blood on fire I doubt what on earth will. So next time you hear a Fan using Man U, please make it a point to point it out to him.

Appropriate names are as follows: Manchester United, Man United, United, Red Devils.

Trust we got the *gyan on this topic.

*gyan ~ Hindi term meaning Knowledge
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